Treating Kidney Stones with Horsegram and Other Natural Methods

What are Kidney Stones and What Causes them?
Kidney stones are deposits of minerals and salt that form inside the Kidney when certain chemicals in the urine are concentrated enough to form crystals. Some of the common causes for the formation of Kidney stones include, increased intake of foods with Oxalates, and decreased consumption of water etc.

Most kidney stones are formed when Calcium combines with Oxalates and forms Calcium Oxalates. Oxalate is formed daily by our liver and certain food such as spinach, some nuts and chocolates etc. contain oxalate in abundance. There are other possibilities for the types of Kidney stones but the Calcium Oxalates are the most prevalent. Kidney stones can vary in size and can be as tiny as a sand strand but they can grow over time and can be really painful until treated. People who have experienced the pain through Kidney stones are sure to remember it forever.

I recommend watching the following video by Dr. Eric Berg to get a comprehensive understanding of the causes and methods to prevent Kidney Stones

Preventing the formation of Kidney Stones: As per Harvard Health Publishing the top 5 ways to prevent Kidney Stones are:

  1. Drink Plenty of Water
  2. Reduce Sodium
  3. Eat Calcium rich food
  4. Avoid Foods with Oxalates (Beets, Spinach, Chocolates etc.)
  5. Limit Animal Protein

Please read the full article here:

Treating Kidney stones with Horsegram

One of the most effective ways to treat Kidney stones is by consuming Horsegram (Kulthi). In India, people who believe in naturopathy recommend “Kulthi” as the first line of treatment for anyone with Kidney stone. Horsegram is a kind of legume and is readily available on Amazon. It is relatively inexpensive (1 kg of Horsegram is listed at just CAD 8.74 on Amazon!) and easy to consume. Besides treating Kidney Stones Horsegram has been found to be effective for treating other diseases as it contains bioactive substances such as phenolic acid, phytic acid, Flavanol, Enzymatic inhibitors and a lot of fiber.

Clinical trials on humans have shown Horsegram’s potential to be effective for cardiovascular ailments and improving blood pressure. It can also have a role in the management of diabetes and Knee Osteoarthritis.

Other Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones: There are many other things you can do and consume to treat your Kidney Stones. As per

  1. Drink plenty of Water: Not only drinking plenty of fluids help in preventing the formation of Kidney stones, it also helps in the treatment by flushing out the smaller stones if formed. However, when drinking fluids be weary of carbonated drinks as they can contribute to the formation of stones. Best is to drink lots of water.
  2. Citric Acid: Increase you Citric Acid intake by adding Lemon / Lime juice to your water. Citric acid helps counter the Calcium Oxalate formation in the Kidney. It also prevents the stone from enlarging by binding with the exiting calcium oxalate crystals.
  3. Avoid high intake of Vitamin C: Don’t consume high dosage of Vitamin C supplement if you have Kidney stones. Vitamin C if taken in high dosage may trigger the excretion of oxalates in the urine and contribute to the enlargement of existing kidney stones
  4. Eat Calcium Rich food: A common misunderstanding is that since the most prevalent Kidney stones are Calcium Oxalates, food rich in Calcium is not good for Kidney stones as they will contribute to the formation of Calcium Oxalates. On the contrary diet rich in Calcium is associated with reduced risk of forming Kidney stones as they combine with the oxalates before they can be passed on to the urine and form crystals in the Kidney
  5. Cut back on Sodium Intake: The high intake of salt or sodium may increase the excretion of calcium in the urine and enhance the changes of getting the kidney stones. Best way to avoid high amounts of sodium is to reduce the intake of highly processed food.

 To summarize, don’t get discouraged if you have developed a Kidney Stone. Try out these natural remedies and you can avoid the painful procedures which are used to get rid of Kidney stones. You also have to be patient when trying these methods as these remedies can take weeks to completely rid you of your stones.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner and do not claim that these suggestions will work for everyone. You must consult your doctors if you have such a condition and follow their advice. The natural remedies must be used in consultation with your medical practitioner.


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