Top 5 Plant Based Sources of Iron

Iron is one of the most important minerals that our body needs to function. People deficient in Iron can face multiple complications and if your Iron stores are depleted you may need to get it injected. When we check our Iron levels it is mainly the level of Iron in the blood that is checked for routine tests. Many people may have normal levels of blood iron but can have depleted stored iron levels. The Level of stored Iron is checked by a test called Ferritin Test and it indicates your level of stored iron.

To recover from low levels of Iron is rather difficult, especially if you are vegetarian. Animal sources are knows to work better to improve your Iron levels, nonetheless there are certain plant based sources that can provide you ample Iron through your diet.

Lentils – Lentils are a vegetarian powerhouse when it comes to nutrition. They are high in protein and a cup of cooked Lentils accounts for as much as 6.6mg or 37% of your Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of Iron. Click below to see Numbers 2, 3, 4 & 5 on the list!


  1. Natto is my new discovery these months and I always amazed by its nutrient fact! Thanks for this blog post and now I am ready to make my spinach smoothie!

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