Green Tea with a “Magical Ingredient”

I use this brand with the K factor above 15 for medical purposes.


These days we all drink tea to make us relax. How do you drink your cup of tea? Are you getting the health benefits to the fullest? Join me in brewing the green tea using a magical ingredient “Manuka Honey.”The traditional Indian or English tea with milk and sugar can cause bloating, and other digestion issues. This recipe fixes all that.



Loose green leaves 1/2 tablespoon

Cardomom powder 1/2 teaspoon(optional)

Manuka honey as per your taste

You can use any brand of Manuka Honey. Wedderspoon raw-monofloral-manuka-honey-kfactor-16 is my personal preference. Anything that has a k-factor above 15 is considered great for health benefits.


Steeping Green Tea, 

Boil water in a pan; once the water has come to a boil, add the green tea leaves and close the pan lid. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes. Now strain the tea in your favorite cup!

Add Manuka Honey and cardamom (ground or whole) as per taste,  1/2 teaspoon of honey does the trick for yours truly! That’s it! You are ready with a simple yet most healthy cup of tea. I have jotted down some of the benefits of the ingredients used in this recipe.

Tip: Keep aside the steeped tea leaves for reuse. 

Manuka honey is anti-inflammatory and helps to fight infections. Manuka honey produced in Australia and New Zealand comes from Manuka bush. It is supposed to treat the gastrointestinal problem; there are, however, limited studies and evidence. Overall, honey has anti-inflammatory properties and can easily replace sugar.

A pinch of cardamom also has its benefits. It is suitable for boosting digestive health. Cardamom has a cooling despite being a spice; this can relive acidity issues. Cardamom can also help treat gastrointestinal problems like indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and spasms.

Green tea boosts energy and helps in weight loss and digestion. If taken before sleep, it helps in getting good sleep.


Adding magical ingredients in daily intake of tea can help improve overall health!

To read more about Manuka honey, click here



  1. Until now popular in Japan and China Green tea is slowly finding favor in the lives of such people. Known for its oxidative nature Green tea’s benefits include weight loss, reducing bad cholesterol, fighting diseases like throat infection, enhanced memory and aid in quitting smoking.


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