Green Tea and Cognitive Development

We have discussed “Green Tea” benefits earlier, and we all are aware that this beverage has earned popularity because of its health impacts. 


But do we know ” Green Tea enhances Cognitive Functioning”? As per the study, researchers have implied that the latest findings suggest “Green Tea” is helpful in treating cognitive disorders like dementia.

This study examines whether green tea extract’s consumption accentuates effective brain connectivity during working memory processing and whether connectivity parameters are linked to task performance.

A sample of 12 healthy volunteers was introduced to 27.5 g of green tea extract and a drink without green tea as a control substance while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. Green tea extract showed an increased working memory. Notably, the magnitude of green tea induced increase in parieto-frontal connectivity positively correlated with improvement in task performance.

Green tea consists of bioactive compounds that have been so widely studied regarding cancer, especially breast cancer in women. However, this is the first time that the cognitive advantages of these compounds have been wholly analyzed regarding brain health and function.

As I have quoted earlier on my blog website“Teabuddy.” I drink Green tea for the love of the taste and purity it offers, unlike other beverages. My choice is further supported by what I pick to drink, tea leaves or tea bags, organic or non-organic, the mood, time of the day, etc. I try to make my own variations with herbs and honey.

I have always believed in holistic living, but knowing the health benefits of what we consume is paramount.



I have scooped the study and embedded below,


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