Mostly tea is used as a drink to keep individuals alert and awake in need of more energy at certain times of day!

But what if someone has insomnia?

Courtsey: Unsplash

The number of individuals suffering from sleep deprivation is rising due to stress and challenging situations, especially fighting COVID anxiety and its unforeseen impacts. This could lead to weakened cognitive function and sleeplessness or insomnia.
It shifts people towards being more dependent on sleep medications.

Patrick Fuller, assistant professor of neurology in the division of sleep medicine at Harvard Medical School, stated that the sleep meds could put people to sleep. But it’s sad, he says, that the large majority of them have incredibly unwanted side-effects because they don’t specifically target sleep or wake circuits in the brain, but rather circuits regulating all kinds of other behaviors and systems.

As per Wikipedia, Passiflora incarnata, commonly known as maypop, purple passionflower, true passionflower, wild apricot, and wild passion vine, is a fast-growing perennial vine with climbing or trailing stems. A member of the passionflower genus Passiflora, the maypop has large, intricate flowers with prominent styles and stamens. Passionflower was traditionally used as an antispasmodic and sedative for neuralgia, epilepsy, painful menses, insomnia, and tension headaches. 

The effects of passionflower tend to be milder than other herbs used to treat anxiety including valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and kava (Piper methysticum). Passionflower is often combined with valerian, lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), or other calming herbs. Few scientific studies have tested passionflower as a treatment for anxiety or insomnia, however. Because passionflower is often combined with other calming herbs, it is difficult to tell what effects passionflower has on its own, as per the research from

Passionflower leaves are used to curate herbal tea to treat anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, and sleep disorders. 

Passionflower tea recipe

For a restful night’s sleep, try sipping a cup of passionflower tea right before bed. This tea will act as a mild sedative.It can be made into a tea by steeping dried passionflower (or a tea bag) in boiling water. Passionflower tea is mild in flavour with a grassy earthiness and can be sweetened with a floral honey or stivea .

1 tbsp. dried passionflower (about 2 grams) or a tea bag

1 cup hot water

honey (optional)


Steep dried passionflower in hot water for 6-8 minutes. Steep for 10-15 minutes for a stronger tea and more potential benefits.

Strain or take tea bag out of water. Optional: Sweeten with a touch of honey.

Dosage: Drink one cup of tea made with 1 tablespoon of dried passionflower per night for at least seven days to feel the effects.

The tea bags or powder can be purchased online . It is also available in super markets

Recently there have been some concerns regarding the usage of passionflower due to its sedative properties and few known side effects and can interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. Therefore, one must take herbs with care, under the supervision of the medical care provider. It’s best to speak to your doctor and get the recommendation for treating a specific condition.


Included are few more articles specially curated for readers who would love to educate themselves more on this.

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  1. Thank you! I struggle with getting back to sleep after waking up with my baby in the middle of the night, I bet this could help.

  2. Very helpful post!!
    I did not know any of that about passionflower tea!
    That’s so great to know.
    I really like TAZO’s passion tea- definitely going to check and see what it has in it.
    Always up for trying some new tea.

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