Tea-The Unknown

Growing up in India, tea was a must as a daily morning beverage without too much focus on its health benefits. Tea was consumed mainly to get energized and for doing small talks with friends and family. It was and still continues to be a daily ritual in the morning and evening, a drink commonly served to house guests.

The practice in my house had started with “Black Tea,” mostly loose leaves. Hailing from the region close to Darjeeling,” the champagne” of tea had its place in our home, and to date, we try to source pure Darjeeling tea from the hills of West Bengal.

With time, we got introduced to other forms of tea; green tea topped the list due to its positive health impacts. Slowly we got used to white and oolong to get the sweet and light muscatel flavor.

As I sip my favorite tea daily, I am still amazed by so many articles and studies being conducted on the health benefits of tea.

Green tea benefits are well studied and are very popular among the “health and wellness” community. Green tea antioxidants provide great health benefits as well as it is less in caffeine content than “Black tea”

Although I have highlighted in few blogs about Tea benefits, but I am still looking to dig deep into this aspect. I continue to research, and as I do so, I will share some interesting articles and studies on this forefront. I hope you can join me in unfolding the mystery of why and how tea improves health!

There are some well-established facts published in known publications, which can be used theoretically to sip tea purely for health purposes, otherwise, join me in enjoying tea for the pure love and joy it delivers!

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  1. It’s a helpful blog for tea lovers, although Sometimes I encounter acidity due to this, you can also write something on what time we should consume it

    • Thanks for great feedback, I feel excited when readers throw some suggestions, it empowers the writers. Will write about it too in my next blog!

    • Thanks for the appreciation. It’s very encouraging in these tough times when the struggle is to keep yourself positive and continue working hard.

  2. I love your blog and all the information that you include here. I started drinking it for a similar reason to what you shared – a cup of black tea helps to wake me up and get me energized for the day ahead. After a while, I started looking into it deeper and realized that this drink that I was already enjoying daily had additional benefits. It fueled my curiosity about different types and varieties of tea, and expanded my horizons pretty quickly! I can’t wait to learn more!

    • Thank you so much. I am so honored to have these encouraging feedback on my hard work. I left 16 years of my HR profession to blogging about something that I immensely admire, tea, and healthy food. When readers like you leave these kind words, it motivates me. Would you like updates from my website or a newsletter, no pressure, just a suggestion! It’s free.

    • Thanks for the appreciation, Juliana. The best part of tea unlike coffee is, it can be blended with many other herbs and spices to boost up the health benefits. Hope you continue to visit us and learn more about tea, my next article is on “Passion Fruit tea”

  3. Good stuff!! I definitely need to start drinking more tea at some point. Thanks for sharing,

    The blogging zillennial

    • Thanks for your response. Appreciate that you got inspired by my article and in general with drinking teaπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€tea has tons of benefits apart from keeping the bloggers and writers awakeπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  4. Great resources. I’m also always impressed with the new research on the benefits of tea. I sip on green tea throughout the day. In order to reap the benefits it’s so important to use high quality organic teas.

    Nathalia | NathaliaFit – Fitness & Wellness Blog

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