The British Love their Tea and How!

As opposed to countries in North America, the UK never gave up their tea for coffee. The British drink a ridiculous amount of tea every day, close to 150 million cups to be precise. That is more than 50 billion cups for the year! Tea drinking is becoming increasingly popular in other developed countries due to the health benefits it offers. However, while other countries have leaned towards, Green Tea or Herbal, the British still prefer Black Tea. My article on Why the English Breakfast Tea is so popular goes at length on the reasons why.
Here is an excerpt from an article by Sun Magazine covering a poll conducted by The Grocer trade magazine..

London has the most self-confessed tea addicts — 23 per cent of the population — while the West Midlands has the least (12 per cent).
And while 29 per cent of women often enjoy a herbal or fruit tea, just 19 per cent of men do the same. The Grocer trade magazine, which quizzed 1,200 adults, said: “Britain remains a nation of loyal tea drinkers.
“So much for us dumping tea in favour of coffee.” Its poll showed 50 billion cups of tea are drunk every year, with traditional black tea — such as English breakfast or just a builder’s — accounting for 85 per cent of sales.


While we have been fed the notion that Green or Herbal tea is better for our health, Black Tea can be equally good if not more for Conditions such as Hypertension also known as High Blood Pressure.
So, should we follow the Brits in drinking more and more black Tea? Absolutely!

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