Work and Homeschooling kids- impacts

In the current situation in my life, I have given 16 years to HR but had to switch to something flexible and less demanding to balance work and family life. It’s tough but worth giving a try to avoid mental breakdowns! Back to school dilemma and deciding to educate kids online from home has never been more challenging.
The conflict between “yes” and “No” has been doing rounds in our house, unsure where to get the right answer. Most parents are in the same dilemma, questioning among the social circles to find the correct answer. 
The support system in many houses is the parents who are themselves burdened with workplace challenges, a mortgage to take care of, and bills to pay! It is inevitable that the parent who is the primary income earner should continue to be in the workforce.
It is easier to say “Yes” and send the school back but at what cost? especially when you are staying with family members who are immunocompromised. The homeschooling decision poses its own difficulties, especially with added school responsibilities
and lessons.
It needs overseeing kids younger in age with regards to technical setups, lesson flow, work completions, etc, after all, it is kids’ education.
I have used techniques to fight my stress and keep up the mental balance through
  • Nutrition
  • Yoga
  • meditation
  • social interactions
  • positive people
I found my peace in blogging where I could share my experiences with my readers but at a higher opportunity cost, with no monetary benefits designed through this work decision. I have kept myself positive and am hoping to get going economically too alongside mental peace.
I could totally relate to the article below and the situation discussion- total burnout for caregivers who are posed with a similar challenging scenario.
A must-read for all the moms, let’s cheer up each other dealing with a similar situation, share the motivations with fellow moms trying to achieve something in life through these unprecedented times!
A fellow mompreneur! let’s save each other from getting penalized. | See Original

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  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Virtual learning has impacted both parents and teachers. Society is now looking quite differently at the benefits vs. disadvantages of learning at home. With the right materials it can be done. It is, however, important that socialization be part of a child’s learning.

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